Add Astronaut Nutrition to the List of Obstacles to Long-Duration Spacecraft
Although there are no concrete plans for a manned mission to Mars, we all know it will come. Astronauts regularly spend months at a time on the ISS, and we’ve learned a lot about the dangers astronauts face on long journeys. However, missions to Mars can take years, which creates many problems, including astronaut nutrition.
Nutrition can help astronauts manage flight risks on the ISS, but long-term missions on Mars are different. There may be no resupply.
Physiologically, low gravity and radiation exposure are two chronic hazards that astronauts face on the ISS. Low gravity can lead to muscle atrophy and loss of bone strength, and exposure to radiation increases the risk of cancer and other debilitating diseases. When astronauts travel to Mars, each leg of the journey can take 6 or 7 months, and they may stay on Mars for 500 days.
This dwarfs the eight days that the Apollo 11 astronauts spent in space. These long journeys will tax astronauts’ health and NASA is working to understand what role nutrition can play in helping astronauts stay healthy and manage risks.
Their current work on astronaut nutrition is freely available PDF book titled “Human Adaptation to Spaceflight: The Role of Food and Nutrition—2nd Edition.” Its four authors are all researchers working on nutrition, biochemistry, biomedical research, regional food systems, and preventive health.
“The importance of nutrition in exploration has been documented time and again throughout history, in voyages across oceans, voyages across polar ice caps, and voyages across unexplored continents ,” the authors write.
Scientists have learned a lot about nutrition since the days of sailing and exploration, but the authors write that “the main difference between past voyages and space exploration is that it is unlikely that scientists found food on the way.” This means that understanding the nutritional needs of astronauts and the needs of the food system on long missions “is as important to the safety of the crew and the success of the mission as any of the systems of the spacecraft itself.”
This book examines the unique challenges that astrology faces and provides insights from many studies that share those challenges. For example, nutritional research from Antarctica echoes the isolation and lack of sunlight that can be encountered on long journeys, and reclining bed rest equates to muscle and bone disuse. who have to endure it.
Astronauts face a long list of health risks in long-duration space flights. Exposure to radiation and the risk of cancer and microgravity and its effects on muscles and bones are well known risks. But there are some lesser-known risks, too.
Astrologers can develop neuro-ocular syndrome, their immune system can be weakened, and their biota can change. All these conditions are linked to nutrition. Although scientists do not have a complete understanding of how everything works, it is clear that nutrition plays a role. The book describes the types of research being done and what the current understanding is. But the authors are clear about one thing: the system of providing astronauts with proper nutrition needs work.
ISS astronauts, except for the Russians, get part of their meals from the Crew Specific Menu (CSM) dishes that each astronaut orders. They provide between 10% and 20% of their food. They also receive a small supply of fresh food and a limited supply of food for sanctuaries with each new supply mission. This has increased the variety of food for astrologers and helped with nutrition, but astrologers still say they would appreciate more CSM and fresh food.
Here in the developed world on Earth, it is clear to meet the nutritional needs. Most of us have access to supermarkets and/or farmers markets where we can buy fresh produce and other healthy foods. This species is not found locally. Astronauts on the ISS have conducted “farming” experiments and successfully grown several food plants such as lettuce, kale, and cabbage. However, it is still far from growing enough food to help with nutrition, especially in a mission to Mars, where space and payload will be important.
One obvious question about astronaut nutrition is whether supplements can replace a nutritious diet. The authors provide evidence that refutes the theory. “Many previous studies have shown that the complex synergistic benefits provided by whole foods cannot be replicated by supplements,” they write. In fact, in some cases, supplements can be harmful. “Recent studies have also found that supplementation with certain antioxidants such as vitamin E and vitamin A may increase the risk of cancer and all-cause mortality,” the authors explain.
The need for local food management goes beyond nutrition. There are social and welfare benefits, too. Knowing that you have access to a variety of healthy foods keeps morale high. The ability to share or trade quality food with fellow astronauts can generate goodwill and a desire to cooperate. Think about sharing a meal with friends or family and all the social interaction it provides.
According to the authors, there is currently no solution to nutritional restrictions for Mars missions. In fact, there is currently no system designed to provide scientists with the necessary nutrition for any long-duration flight. “Currently, no food system exists to meet the nutritional, acceptability, safety and logistical challenges of extended exploration missions, such as a mission to Mars,” the authors write.
However, researchers say it is important to develop one. Without it, long-term missions and the scientists who run them will suffer and likely face serious failure.
“A local food system, developed and adapted to meet all defined nutritional needs, should be present in every human activity as an important means of preventing the decline of healthy life. beauty and performance,” the authors write.
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